Mpa ltd

The Association of Magazine Media is a company providing news and information on the magazine industry.

Information about Mpa ltd

Number of employees
757 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017, US

Company Categories

Membership Organizations, Organizations,

Mpa ltd executive employees

miguel baez

Office Services Manager

jim cregan

Executive Vice President

jeri dack

Director Research &

fran middleton

Chief Digital Officer

Frequent questions about Mpa ltd

How many employees does Mpa ltd have?
Mpa ltd has approximately 11-50 employees.
What is Mpa ltd's industry?
Mpa ltd is involved in the industry of publishing.
Where is Mpa ltd headquarters located?
Mpa ltd is located in 757 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017, US
What is the website of Mpa ltd?
Mpa ltd official website at

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