
Xumo seamlessly delivers over-the-top (OTT) and video-on-demand (VOD) content direct to consumers through smart TV, mobile and desktop apps.

Information about Xumo

Number of employees
4 Park Plaza #1500, Irvine, California 92614, US

Company Categories

Entertainment Software, Internet, Publishing, Movies, Music and Entertainment, Internet Services, Connected Television, Internet of Things, Native Application Integration, Video, Ad-tech, Media and Entertainment, Video on Demand, Video Streaming, Content and Publishing,

Xumo executive employees

anthony layser

VP Content Partnerships

elad levy

IT Manager

hirotaka oku

Managing over-the-top video

denny eng

Director of Product

chris hall

SVP Product

brian miller

Senior Software Engineer

yung nguyen

Ad Ops Manager

tommy kwan

Senior Engineer

sloane phillips

Director Marketing

shaun hare

Director Ad Operations

nicole t.

Sr. Project Manager

mohammad qaffaf

Senior Engineering Manager

kristina benign

Senior Director Content

kendall quinn

Manager Account Executive

joseph lerner

Executive Director Advertising

jiro egawa

Chief Operating Officer

jerrold son

Executive Director Ad

evette mesrobia

Director of Sales

ben mosteller

Manager Programming Operations

barbara wajner

Head Of Account

aruna raghavan

Senior Software Engineer

andrea alegria

Director Content Partnerships

amanda masciali

Manager of Media

Frequent questions about Xumo

How many employees does Xumo have?
Xumo has approximately 11-50 employees.
What is Xumo's industry?
Xumo is involved in the industry of publishing.
Where is Xumo headquarters located?
Xumo is located in 4 Park Plaza #1500, Irvine, California 92614, US
What is the website of Xumo?
Xumo official website at xumo.com

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