Great Portland Estates

Great Portland Estates is a British property development and investment company.

Information about Great Portland Estates

real estate
Number of employees
33 Cavendish Sq, London, Greater London W1G 0PW, GB

Company Categories

Commercial & Residential Construction, Financial Services, Construction, Real Estate, Real Estate Investment,

Great Portland Estates executive employees

david o'sulliva

Director of Occupier

padmini parekh

Finance Operations &

ramona mccarthy

Estates Manager Occupier

nicole morrisse

Marketing project manager.available

Frequent questions about Great Portland Estates

How many employees does Great Portland Estates have?
Great Portland Estates has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is Great Portland Estates's industry?
Great Portland Estates is involved in the industry of real estate.
Where is Great Portland Estates headquarters located?
Great Portland Estates is located in 33 Cavendish Sq, London, Greater London W1G 0PW, GB
What is the website of Great Portland Estates?
Great Portland Estates official website at

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