Ogura corporation

Ogura Corporation is an air conditioning compressor clutch manufacturer in Chesterfield, Michigan.

Information about Ogura corporation

Number of employees
55025 Gratiot Ave, West Bloomfield Township, Michigan 48051, US

Company Categories

Electronics, Electronic Components, Motor Vehicles, Consumer Electronics, Manufacturing, Hardware,

Ogura corporation executive employees

tim teller


roy o.


roeby ledford


roeby ledford

Sr. Manager Engineering

mike philps

Quality Supervisor

matt sackrison

Manufacturing Engineering Superviso

kalvin hang

IT Supervisor

Frequent questions about Ogura corporation

How many employees does Ogura corporation have?
Ogura corporation has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is Ogura corporation's industry?
Ogura corporation is involved in the industry of automotive.
Where is Ogura corporation headquarters located?
Ogura corporation is located in 55025 Gratiot Ave, West Bloomfield Township, Michigan 48051, US
What is the website of Ogura corporation?
Ogura corporation official website at oguracorp.com

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