
Numalliance provides CNC-controlled machine tools that specialize in the bending and cold forming of metal wires, tubes, and flats.

Information about Numalliance

Number of employees
1361 Howard St, Elk Grove Village, Illinois 60007, US

Company Categories

Manufacturing, Industrial Machinery & Equipment, Machinery Manufacturing, Mechanical Engineering, Science and Engineering,

Numalliance executive employees

luca godard

West Coast Regional

jonathan scaggs

Chief Operating Officer

arvind mokashi

Head-India Operations

Frequent questions about Numalliance

How many employees does Numalliance have?
Numalliance has approximately 201-500 employees.
What is Numalliance's industry?
Numalliance is involved in the industry of machinery.
Where is Numalliance headquarters located?
Numalliance is located in 1361 Howard St, Elk Grove Village, Illinois 60007, US
What is the website of Numalliance?
Numalliance official website at

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