BCB Community Bank

BCB Community Bank provides highest quality banking products and services.

Information about BCB Community Bank

Number of employees
104-110 Ave. C, Bayonne, New Jersey 07002, US

BCB Community Bank executive employees

jennifer dugan

Asset Recovery Manager

marie fries

Senior Loan Officer

scott barber

Vice President Director

pam sclafane

Vice President Marketing

pawan kumar


julia park

Senior Underwriter

jani stein

Assistant Branch Manager

jennifer malia

BSA Manager

karen duran

Chief Accounting Officer

sandra sievewri

SVP Chief Compliance

dorothy nygard

Operation Supervisor

claudine baptis


christopher bur

Branch Manager

carmela sebasti

Residential Operations Manager

bruce jenkins

Assistant Branch Manager

aurora abdool

Branch Manager

amato john

AVP-Cluster Manager

al bonadonna

Business Development Manager

steven brys

AVP Team Leader

selvia rezk

Manage documents information

tamara francis

Branch Manager

step bb

Head of Equities

stein jani

Assisitant Branch Manager

wilson wong

Vice President &

wing siu


niralee patel

Teller Supervisor Banker

jignasa patel

Asst manager

lim prince

Deputy CEO

rudi hartono

marketing permata finance

longin ntirabam

IT Manager

michael lesler

Chief Operating Officer

jackie cabrera

Vice President of

len bosso

Vice President Commercial

rose palmisano

Branch Manager

joseph javitz

SVP Chief Lending

robert stepien

Vice President

pam sclafane

Vice President

holly schult

Branch Manager-Business Development

nichole lopez

Portfolio Management Analyst

marie fries

Senior Residential amd

heidi ciuffetel

Director Residential Lending

kathleen hansen

Branch Manager

jhalak kapadia

AVP Branch Manager

frank greco

Vice President Portfolio

dori frechette

Senior Application Support

dennis monaco

Assistant Branch Manager

david garcia

Chief Lending Officer

corey jones

Business Developer

Frequent questions about BCB Community Bank

How many employees does BCB Community Bank have?
BCB Community Bank has approximately 201-500 employees.
What is BCB Community Bank's industry?
BCB Community Bank is involved in the industry of banking.
Where is BCB Community Bank headquarters located?
BCB Community Bank is located in 104-110 Ave. C, Bayonne, New Jersey 07002, US
What is the website of BCB Community Bank?
BCB Community Bank official website at bcbcommunitybank.com

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