Power Ledger

Power Ledger has developed a series of world-leading blockchain energy applications, such as its P2P energy trading application.

Information about Power Ledger

computer software
Number of employees
218, St. Georges Terrace, Perth, Western Australia 6000, AU

Company Categories

Energy, Electricity, Oil & Gas, Consumer Software, Blockchain, Energy, Utilities & Waste Treatment, Software, Renewable Energy, Sustainability,

Power Ledger executive employees

fiona tiller

Product Owner

jill augustus

Junior web designer

vinod tiwari

Global Head of

tim bray

Chief Operating Officer

thomas francis

Product Manager-Energy Transition

simon mikulich

Communications Manager-Powerledger

rongon mehdi

Product Owner

lara zeidler

International Strategic Marketing

john bulich

Technical Director &

ivan oh

Senior Project Manager

daniel chandler

Senior Developer

carl madigan

Development Manager

Frequent questions about Power Ledger

How many employees does Power Ledger have?
Power Ledger has approximately 11-50 employees.
What is Power Ledger's industry?
Power Ledger is involved in the industry of computer software.
Where is Power Ledger headquarters located?
Power Ledger is located in 218, St. Georges Terrace, Perth, Western Australia 6000, AU
What is the website of Power Ledger?
Power Ledger official website at powerledger.io

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