Raleigh general hospital

Releigh General Hospital is a hospital in West Virginia.

Information about Raleigh general hospital

hospital & health care
Number of employees
1710 Harper Rd, Beckley, West Virginia 25801, US

Company Categories

Emergency Medical Transportation & Services, Health Care, Hospitals & Clinics, Healthcare,

Raleigh general hospital executive employees

melissa barnett

Case Management Nurse

lee wise

Health Information Management

kevin sexton

Director Of Information

kayla roberts

Nursing Supervisor

juquita frazier

Clinical Nutrition Manager

jennifer bridge

Director of Perioperative

debbie vaughn

Chief Nursing Officer

cheryl mitchem

Director of Business

casey atkins

Director of Cardiac

casey atkins

Clinical Director of

barbara rose

Director Health Information

ashley bradbury

RN Director of

addam gibson

Lead Phlebotomist

robert mccann

Executive Director of

pam byers

Raleigh General Hospital

taylor tucker

Lead Phlebotomist

nathan lucion

Phlebotomy Supervisor

Frequent questions about Raleigh general hospital

How many employees does Raleigh general hospital have?
Raleigh general hospital has approximately 1001-5000 employees.
What is Raleigh general hospital's industry?
Raleigh general hospital is involved in the industry of hospital & health care.
Where is Raleigh general hospital headquarters located?
Raleigh general hospital is located in 1710 Harper Rd, Beckley, West Virginia 25801, US
What is the website of Raleigh general hospital?
Raleigh general hospital official website at raleighgeneral.com

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