D. e. shaw research

D. E. Shaw Research is engaged in scientific research and technological development in the field of computational biochemistry.

Information about D. e. shaw research

Number of employees
120 W. 45th St., 39th Fl, New York City, New York 10036, US

Company Categories

Education, Organizations, Numerical Analysis, Scientific Computing, Special-purpose Computer Architectures, Force-field Development, Biophysics, Computational Biology, Parallel Programming, Computational Chemistry, Molecular Dynamics Simulation, Protein Folding, ASIC Design, Drug Discovery,

D. e. shaw research executive employees

john klepeis

Senior Research Scientist

ramanjane gorle

Senior Analyst

michael bergdor

Senior Computational Scientist

zelimir galjani

Head of Strategic

kevin sun

Member of Business

madeleine weing

Manager Business Development

nishant yadla

Manager Operations &

vidhi dua


william vick

Senior Contract Verification

lev iserovich

Systems Software Engineer

fabrizio giorda

Head Medicinal Chemistry

elizabeth decol

Senior Scientist

bryan jackson

Senior Program Manager

Frequent questions about D. e. shaw research

How many employees does D. e. shaw research have?
D. e. shaw research has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is D. e. shaw research's industry?
D. e. shaw research is involved in the industry of research.
Where is D. e. shaw research headquarters located?
D. e. shaw research is located in 120 W. 45th St., 39th Fl, New York City, New York 10036, US
What is the website of D. e. shaw research?
D. e. shaw research official website at deshawresearch.com

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