Groupe Jean Coutu

Jean Coutu Group is a retail drugstore chain.

Information about Groupe Jean Coutu

Number of employees
Varenne, Quebec, CA

Groupe Jean Coutu executive employees

kimberley mckin

Pharmacy Owner

samir sneij

Owner jean coutu

chris ryan


catherine lebel

Digital Marketing Manager

catherine colag

Project Manager Construction

camille mounaye

Pharmacy owner. Pharmacy

ann zakhari

Pharmacy owner

alain boudreaul

Director Store systems

alain boudreaul

VP Combination Projects

sylvie flan

General Manager

richard poirier

Human Resources Director

sebastien lussi

Sales Manager

wessam gerges

Pharmacy Manager

stephanie gagné

HR director payroll

mélissa ritchie

Project Manager-Private label

timothy o'neill

Operations Director

odile terzibach

Business Owner

rita abdel-nour

Pharmacy assistant senior

livio parolin

Owner Jean Coutu

sandra saad

Owner JeanCoutu pharmacy

yves blackburn

Senior technical analyst

ryan kennedy

Owner Millidgeville Pharmasave

stéphane berran

Marketing Director

sosi donabet

Pharmacy co-owner

érika poissant

Graphiste junior

eric t.

JMSB-Finance major

Frequent questions about Groupe Jean Coutu

How many employees does Groupe Jean Coutu have?
Groupe Jean Coutu has approximately 501-1000 employees.
What is Groupe Jean Coutu's industry?
Groupe Jean Coutu is involved in the industry of retail.
Where is Groupe Jean Coutu headquarters located?
Groupe Jean Coutu is located in Varenne, Quebec, CA
What is the website of Groupe Jean Coutu?
Groupe Jean Coutu official website at

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