Independent Recruiter
CATS Software offers a web-based recruiting and applicant tracking system for HR and agency recruiters.
Information about Independent Recruiter
staffing and recruiting
Number of employees
18302, US
Independent Recruiter executive employees
mike stan
Director Talent Acquisition
lidya r.
Senior Recruitment Specialist
john moy
Senior Technical Recruiter
jay stenda
Talent Acquisition Senior
farah virk
Executive Director
deb blau
Talent Acquisition Recruiter
brandy toth
Innovative Talent Acquisition
arnold freeman
Senior Recruiter
anthony cappell
Senior Recruiter
amreen p.
Information Technology
polina nastich
Recruiter HR manager
ravindran m
Talent Acquisition Manager
Frequent questions about Independent Recruiter
How many employees does Independent Recruiter have?
Independent Recruiter has approximately 1-10 employees.
What is Independent Recruiter's industry?
Independent Recruiter is involved in the industry of staffing and recruiting.
Where is Independent Recruiter headquarters located?
Independent Recruiter is located in 18302, US
What is the website of Independent Recruiter?
Independent Recruiter official website at
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