Festo is a privately owned German industrial control and automation company based in Esslingen am Neckar, Germany.
Information about Festo
industrial automation
Number of employees
Festo Campus 1, Esslingen, Baden-Wuerttemberg 73734, DE
Company Categories
Manufacturing, Industrial Machinery & Equipment, Industrial Automation, Automation: Pneumatic and electric drive technology for factory , Didactic: Training in industrial automation, Hand, Power And Lawn-Care Tools, Science and Engineering, Consumer Goods, Marketplace, Commerce and Shopping, Training, Education,Festo executive employees
adel golmezerji
Sales Manager and
arun bhatia
Head-Regional Sales Organisation
anna todorov
Contact Centre Supervisor
anitha p
Head of Customer
david thomas
Senior Application Engineer
marc kroll
Sales Director
mareike kämpf
Head of HR
jim orolim
Ford Global Key
frank latino
Product Manager
cory knight
Automation Technical Engineer
chip rediess
District Sales Manager
dylan ding
Festo Global Production
darsh ackloo
Project Leader-Process Automation
daniel rodrigue
Head of Global
chaos zou
Product Management
carlos miranda
CEO North America
dan kessler
National Key Account
cesar gaitan
Cluster Leader South
ayodele sasore
Director of Operational
brian stevens
Director of Human
eason xue
Festo-Asia Procurement Director
bill sicari
General Manager
cesar ricardo
Industry Segment Manager-Automotive
celina liu
HR Manager Zone
dan western
district sales manager
bill clements
Global Key Account
brian stankus
Distribution Sales Manager
diwakar vasudev
Senior Manager Global
chris francis
Finance Manager
bill sicari
General Manager
andrea starker
Global Human Resources
armen gyokchyan
CEO Founder
alexis daudiste
Senior Human Resources
alexandr figuro
Head of local
anita jaglall
Contact Center Supervisor
andrew sizemore
Head Of Materials
alina tripolska
Marketing Manager
angel yanez
Lead Machinist
alfredo hofmann
Manager NAFTA Strategy
Frequent questions about Festo
How many employees does Festo have?
Festo has approximately 10001+ employees.
What is Festo's industry?
Festo is involved in the industry of industrial automation.
Where is Festo headquarters located?
Festo is located in Festo Campus 1, Esslingen, Baden-Wuerttemberg 73734, DE
What is the website of Festo?
Festo official website at festo.com
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