Mahou san miguel
Mahou San Miguel makes 34% of the beer that is produced in Spain.
Information about Mahou san miguel
food & beverages
Number of employees
Calle Titán, 15, Madrid, Madrid 28045, ES
Company Categories
Food & Beverages, Food and Beverage, Brewery, Water And Soft-Drink, Food, Beverages & Tobacco, Manufacturing, Wineries & Breweries,Mahou san miguel executive employees
stefano bufalin
International Sales Manager
raquel gomez
Head of MSM
dharmendra kuma
Foreman-maintenance mechanical
chris d.
Head of UK
eva zamorano
Digital Product Manager
cristina oyartz
International Area Manager
eider bolinaga
Brand Manager Casa
erik d'auchamp
Managing Director International
eugenio cortigi
Director de nuevos
alejandro mcm
Marketing Brand Manager
Frequent questions about Mahou san miguel
How many employees does Mahou san miguel have?
Mahou san miguel has approximately 1001-5000 employees.
What is Mahou san miguel's industry?
Mahou san miguel is involved in the industry of food & beverages.
Where is Mahou san miguel headquarters located?
Mahou san miguel is located in Calle Titán, 15, Madrid, Madrid 28045, ES
What is the website of Mahou san miguel?
Mahou san miguel official website at
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