Alison Brod Marketing and Communications
Alison Brod Marketing and Communications is a PR & communications company providing fashion production and marketing services.
Information about Alison Brod Marketing and Communications
public relations and communications
Number of employees
440 PARK Ave. SOUTH 12TH Fl, New York City, New York 10016, US
Company Categories
Advertising & Marketing, Advertising, Http://Www.Alisonbrodpr.Com/Image/Hometitle.Gif, Business Services, Sales and Marketing, Fashion, Clothing and Apparel, Design, Marketing, Web Design,Alison Brod Marketing and Communications executive employees
alyse rovner
Public Relations Intern
amanda zerbib
Senior Director
mikaela hong
Senior Account Executive
kristin martine
Senior Account Executive
julie dim
Vice President Beauty
joanna dunphy
Senior Director
eva narun
Senior Account Executive
dara schopp
corinne taylor
Project Manager
annie worthingt
alison brod
sydney p.
Incoming Publicity Intern
sammy kerbel
Junior Account Executive
samantha suarez
Junior Account Executive
sarah pressler
Brand Marketing +
sarah richardso
Senior Influencer Strategist
tatum treffeise
Senior Account Executive
swaminathan siv
Chairman Provincial Public
taylor frazier
Senior Account Executive
monica efman
Account Supervisor
vanessa veltre
Senior Director Alison
lauren bishop
Vice President
laine s.
Senior Account Executive
kayleigh adam
Account Supervisor
kate sherman
Account Supervisor
kate beeks
Junior Account Executive
jodi hassan
jasmyn sanchez
Account Supervisor
francesca salce
Senior Director
emily kjesbo
Senior Director
elle cristo
Vice President of
donna valle
Senior Director Beauty
daryn hughes
Junior Account Executive
beth daigle-con
Executive Vice President
aliza bogner
Chief Operating Officer
adrianna lauric
Vice President
Frequent questions about Alison Brod Marketing and Communications
How many employees does Alison Brod Marketing and Communications have?
Alison Brod Marketing and Communications has approximately 11-50 employees.
What is Alison Brod Marketing and Communications's industry?
Alison Brod Marketing and Communications is involved in the industry of public relations and communications.
Where is Alison Brod Marketing and Communications headquarters located?
Alison Brod Marketing and Communications is located in 440 PARK Ave. SOUTH 12TH Fl, New York City, New York 10016, US
What is the website of Alison Brod Marketing and Communications?
Alison Brod Marketing and Communications official website at
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