Park construction company

Park Construction Company is a construction company specializing in railways and roadways construction services.

Information about Park construction company

Number of employees
1481 81st Ave. NE, Minneapoli, Minnesota 55432, US

Company Categories

Construction, Heavy Industrial, Oil and Gas, Transportation, Public and Private Infrastructure,

Park construction company executive employees

randy greniger

Project Manager

andrew sikkila

On-Site Safety Supervisor

verlyn schoep


mike gutknecht

Field Operations Manager

josh prange

Project Manager

john hedquist

Vice President

jennifer senger

Truck Foreman

jeff carlson


jake droessler

Vice President

courtney l.

HR Manager

charlie borene

Vice President

thomas depauw

Chief Financial Officer

taylor terpstra

Project manager

scott kent

Project Manager

Frequent questions about Park construction company

How many employees does Park construction company have?
Park construction company has approximately 201-500 employees.
What is Park construction company's industry?
Park construction company is involved in the industry of construction.
Where is Park construction company headquarters located?
Park construction company is located in 1481 81st Ave. NE, Minneapoli, Minnesota 55432, US
What is the website of Park construction company?
Park construction company official website at

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