N11.com is an e-commerce platform that offers a wide range of apparel, electronics, and homeware products.
Information about N11.com
Company Categories
E-Commerce, e-ticaret, Commerce and Shopping, Open Market, e-commerce, Açik Pazar, Internet,N11.com executive employees
alper filiz
Senior Software Developer
anil dalkiliç
n11 sirketinde Senior
bekir kocadag
n11.com sirketinde Senior
berna erden
Senior Machine Learning
bertu salam
Category Manager
bilal demirdöe
Business Partners Trainer
burak boran
Aegean Region Manager
burcu dirlik
Software Test Analyst
esra suzme
Chief Marketing Officer
cem peker
E-Commerce Product Owner
mehmet sahin
Senior Java Developer
müslüm polat
Senior Data Scientist
süleyman idinak
n11.com _irketinde Senior
yunus çolak
n11.com _irketinde Senior
selçuk döven
Senior Product Owner
yusuf bayram
n11.com sirketinde Senior
tuba ^.
n11.com _irketinde Senior
orbay özkan
Senior Software Developer
vahit türkoglu
Senior Software Developer
umut pazarbasi
Senior Database Administrator
özkan çiftçi
Software Architecture Manager
ramazan altinay
n11.com sirketinde Chief
orhan tuzinoglu
Director Of Business
nuri türer
Senior UX Writer
selcuk egeli
Senior Software Developer
sezen k.
Senior Test Engineer
seda deliorman
iOS Development Manager
kaan yurtsever
Software Test Analyst
damla ok
n11.com sirketinde Senior
merve s.
Senior Product Owner
lütfi eryilmaz
n11.com sirketinde Senior
mehmet agirtopç
Senior Software Engineer
eren göktas
Product Manager
mert ural
SEO Supervisor
gunseli gokalp
IT Director Service
cecilya baysal
Manager of Customer
can özdemir
Electronics Category Director-n11.c
çaglar ababay
Senior Devops Engineer
batuhan gultaka
Chief Executive Officer
ali ilci
Strategy & Planning
alaattin usta
Manager of Mobile
akif y1ld1z
n11.com _irketinde Senior
a_k1m ö.
Core Products Manager
özgür tetik
Senior Frontend Developer
okay atalay
n11.com sirketinde Senior
samet akalan
Senior Database Administrator
esat aydogan
Senior Software Developer
tuba kaya
Senior Product Owner
tugba k.
n11.com sirketinde Senior
tunay sar1
Senior Data Engineer
semih erkaraca
Senior Software Engineer
vedat kiliç
Senior Java Developer
ouz hasanusta
Senior Product Manager
refik ergün
Senior Data Scientist
özlem özkara
CRM & Segmentation
orkun kursun
Strategy & Business
ozgur anakok
Senior Devops Engineer
orçun kulaks1z
Software Development Manager
soner üstel
n11.com _irketinde Senior
onur simsek
Product Manager MSc
onur ataman
UX Design Team
resul basak
Data Protection Manager
nisan altin
Sr. Product Owner
ugur kaya
Senior Software Engineer
taner ertürk
Senior Java Developer
saba dizdar
People Director
serkan günver
Frontend Development Team
orhan mülayim
IT Director @n11
taylan guney
yongshik seo
Director of Marketing
ozan saglam
Director of Product
mine k.
Senior Software Developer
mehmet ham
n11.com sirketinde Senior
ceren kadakal
Software Test Specialist
emre 0pek
Senior Network Security
Frequent questions about N11.com
How many employees does N11.com have?
What is N11.com's industry?
Where is N11.com headquarters located?
What is the website of N11.com?
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Kendo does not guarantee or claim any of the information found on this public directory to be 100% accurate or up to date.Information found here is gathered from a variety of online and offline sources.
If you wish to exclude your personal data from this public directory send us an email to alex@kendoemailapp.com