Philadelphia protestant home

Philadelphia Protestant Home is a hospital & health care company specializing in rehabilitation and skilled nursing services.

Information about Philadelphia protestant home

hospital & health care
Number of employees
6401 Martins Mill Rd, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19111, US

Company Categories

Hospitals & Clinics), Health Care), Independent Living Apartments: 275 residential apartment.), Healthcare), Personal Care Units: 175 personal care units.), Health Care: 126 bed state-of-the-art health care center.),

Philadelphia protestant home executive employees

todd scarboroug

Manager of Wellness

shannon grieb

Vice President of

kathleen jaskel

Director of the

john dubyk

President and CEO

joe emerson

IT Director

jennifer honeyf

Vice President of

gregory petrucc

Director of Maintenance

deanna keough

Director of Fund

dave wicker

Vice President

cindy faillace

Director Materials Management

anthony manzo

Past President and

ted cannon

Director of Safety

Frequent questions about Philadelphia protestant home

How many employees does Philadelphia protestant home have?
Philadelphia protestant home has approximately 201-500 employees.
What is Philadelphia protestant home's industry?
Philadelphia protestant home is involved in the industry of hospital & health care.
Where is Philadelphia protestant home headquarters located?
Philadelphia protestant home is located in 6401 Martins Mill Rd, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19111, US
What is the website of Philadelphia protestant home?
Philadelphia protestant home official website at

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