Netcompany is an IT consulting company.
Information about Netcompany
information technology and services
Number of employees
17 Dk, København K, Capital Region 1270, DK
Company Categories
Business Services, Software, Forretningsapplikationer, Selvbetjening og digital servicering, CRM/xRM, Portaler & Samarbejde, E-handel, Sags- og dokumenthåndtering, Processer & Workflow, Business Intelligence, Enterprise arkitektur, Vedligehold og drift, Cloud Computing, ERP-systemer,Netcompany executive employees
adam jacobs
cuong n.
Senior Test Specialist
darren gibbons
Senior Infrastructure Architect
anh hoang
Senior Software Developer
azad imamoglu
Managing Architect
anders brammer
adam wirski
Senior Data Consultant
lars kirchhoff
Senior Developer
henry hall
System Integration Consultant
lasse soelberg
Managing Architect
kranti naik
Test Manager
Frequent questions about Netcompany
How many employees does Netcompany have?
Netcompany has approximately 1001-5000 employees.
What is Netcompany's industry?
Netcompany is involved in the industry of information technology and services.
Where is Netcompany headquarters located?
Netcompany is located in 17 Dk, København K, Capital Region 1270, DK
What is the website of Netcompany?
Netcompany official website at
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