Burt hill
Burt Hill provides architectural and engineering services.
Information about Burt hill
architecture & planning
Number of employees
650 Smithfield St. Ste. 2600, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222, US
Company Categories
Architecture, Construction, Construction and Engineering, Architecture, Engineering & Design, Other Commercial Services, Real Estate, Engineering, Interior Design, Landscape Architecture, Master Planning,Burt hill executive employees
john manoharan
Senior Project Manager
melinda johnson
Engineering Manager
waddah asfour
Engineering Director
karen pappas
Chief Financial Officer
alison tulloss
Project Manager
ramkrishna rao
Director of Engineering
patrick saavedr
Director of Urban
michael. haskov
Senior Associate
marilyn gelzhiz
Senior Associate
jay philomena
Director of Interior
haydar hassan
Owner Burt Hill
belinda hanratt
Manager Human Resources
Frequent questions about Burt hill
How many employees does Burt hill have?
Burt hill has approximately 501-1000 employees.
What is Burt hill's industry?
Burt hill is involved in the industry of architecture & planning.
Where is Burt hill headquarters located?
Burt hill is located in 650 Smithfield St. Ste. 2600, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222, US
What is the website of Burt hill?
Burt hill official website at burthill.com
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