SomethingInked is a marketing and advertising company providing custom designed t-shirts.
Information about SomethingInked
marketing and advertising
Number of employees
1018 Elm Hill Pike, Nashville, Tennessee 37210, US
Company Categories
Advertising & Marketing, Advertising, Business Services, Sales and Marketing, Fashion, Clothing and Apparel, Design,SomethingInked executive employees
richard muenten
Director of Operations
stacey ricks
Human Resources Manager
steve flatt
Senior Graphic Designer
ronald brann
Finishing Manager
nicole dupre
Account Manager
michael resta
Receiving Manager
mark oldham
Chief Financial Officer
kyle schmidtke
Director Of Operations
kim bennett
Sr Accounts Payable-Production
kaydee joyce
Senior Manager Entertainment
jardarrius lark
Senior Web Developer
gary spears
Screenprinting manager
david schneider
Vice President of
brandon fults
alan purdy
Sales Manager
Frequent questions about SomethingInked
How many employees does SomethingInked have?
SomethingInked has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is SomethingInked's industry?
SomethingInked is involved in the industry of marketing and advertising.
Where is SomethingInked headquarters located?
SomethingInked is located in 1018 Elm Hill Pike, Nashville, Tennessee 37210, US
What is the website of SomethingInked?
SomethingInked official website at
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