Miotech orthopedic group, llc
Miotech Orthopedic Group is a distributor of durable medical equipment and orthotic devices.
Information about Miotech orthopedic group, llc
medical devices
Number of employees
2373 Cedar Park Dr, Holt, Michigan 48842, US
Company Categories
Healthcare, Retail, Health Care, Medical Device, Medical Devices & Equipment, Manufacturing,Miotech orthopedic group, llc executive employees
ann b.
andrea gulick
Senior Director of
philip murphy
Executive Vice President
marni slagell
Team Sales Manager
dean reik
Vice President of
david peters
Surgical Operations Manager
curtis gemmel
Area Vice President
collin goan
Supply Chain Intern
Frequent questions about Miotech orthopedic group, llc
How many employees does Miotech orthopedic group, llc have?
Miotech orthopedic group, llc has approximately 11-50 employees.
What is Miotech orthopedic group, llc's industry?
Miotech orthopedic group, llc is involved in the industry of medical devices.
Where is Miotech orthopedic group, llc headquarters located?
Miotech orthopedic group, llc is located in 2373 Cedar Park Dr, Holt, Michigan 48842, US
What is the website of Miotech orthopedic group, llc?
Miotech orthopedic group, llc official website at miotech.net
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