E-cognosys information systems pvt ltd
E-cognosys Information Systems Pvt Ltd is an IT company that provides data warehousing services.
Information about E-cognosys information systems pvt ltd
information technology and services
Number of employees
3445 Washington Dr. Ste. 200, Eagan, Minnesota 55122, US
Company Categories
Custom Software & Technical Consulting, Information Technology, Software,E-cognosys information systems pvt ltd executive employees
manohar sunkum
Owner e-cognosys
manohar sunkum
Owner e-cognosys
malleswari droa
Experienced Android Developer
devashish mishr
Director and Co-founder
Frequent questions about E-cognosys information systems pvt ltd
How many employees does E-cognosys information systems pvt ltd have?
E-cognosys information systems pvt ltd has approximately 11-50 employees.
What is E-cognosys information systems pvt ltd's industry?
E-cognosys information systems pvt ltd is involved in the industry of information technology and services.
Where is E-cognosys information systems pvt ltd headquarters located?
E-cognosys information systems pvt ltd is located in 3445 Washington Dr. Ste. 200, Eagan, Minnesota 55122, US
What is the website of E-cognosys information systems pvt ltd?
E-cognosys information systems pvt ltd official website at ecognosys.com
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