Tennessee orthopaedic alliance

Tennessee Orthopaedic Alliance is a medical practice providing orthopedic expertise and care.

Information about Tennessee orthopaedic alliance

medical practice
Number of employees
8 City Blvd. West End/Charlotte Ave, Nashville, Tennessee 37209, US

Company Categories

Hospitals & Clinics, Health Care, Healthcare, Orthopaedic Surgery, Sports Medicine, Hand/Wrist/Elbow, Spine, Foot/Ankle, Joint Replacement, Pediatric Orthopaedics, Knee/Hip, Shoulder, General Orthopaedics, MRI, Hand Therapy, Physical Therapy,

Tennessee orthopaedic alliance executive employees

galina reed

Front Office Supervisor

heather lile

Manager EPM Solutions

christine salim

IT Senior Supervisor

cayce dunn

Marketing Manager

brittnye hall

Physician Liaison Supervisor

ashley campbell

Director of Rehabilitation-Nashvill

stacy chapman

Site Supervisor

ruthann cooper

Leading Teams

rebecca overstr

Patient Access Supervisor

leigh dye

Manager RC Payments

denise greene

Practice Manager

jackie anderson

Clinical supervisor

karen fultz

Chief Financial Officer

david batte

Informatics Manager

david newbold

Sr. Director Special

christie dilleh

Patient Experience Manager

cheryl bolen

Site Manager-Rutherford County

Frequent questions about Tennessee orthopaedic alliance

How many employees does Tennessee orthopaedic alliance have?
Tennessee orthopaedic alliance has approximately 201-500 employees.
What is Tennessee orthopaedic alliance's industry?
Tennessee orthopaedic alliance is involved in the industry of medical practice.
Where is Tennessee orthopaedic alliance headquarters located?
Tennessee orthopaedic alliance is located in 8 City Blvd. West End/Charlotte Ave, Nashville, Tennessee 37209, US
What is the website of Tennessee orthopaedic alliance?
Tennessee orthopaedic alliance official website at toa.com

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