GERRY WEBER International AG

Fashion. Lifestyle. Erlebnis. Gerry Weber.

Information about GERRY WEBER International AG

Number of employees

GERRY WEBER International AG executive employees

jacob n.

Procurement & Sourcing

emila hod~i

Category Manager für

agnes assbrock

Project Manager Production&Offices

abhishek nath

General Manager

rajib ghosh

Senior Technician &

nicole grotenha

Senior HR Business

heinz-walter pe

Director Corporate Audit

Frequent questions about GERRY WEBER International AG

How many employees does GERRY WEBER International AG have?
GERRY WEBER International AG has approximately 1001-5000 employees.
What is GERRY WEBER International AG's industry?
GERRY WEBER International AG is involved in the industry of textiles.
Where is GERRY WEBER International AG headquarters located?
GERRY WEBER International AG is located in germany
What is the website of GERRY WEBER International AG?
GERRY WEBER International AG official website at

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