Active minerals international
Active Minerals International is a mining & metals company specializing in mineral processing solutions and distribution services.
Information about Active minerals international
mining & metals
Number of employees
34 Loveton Circle, Suite 100, Baltimore, Maryland 21152, US
Company Categories
Manufacturing, Agriculture, Mineral & Process Technology, Chemicals, Agriculture and Farming, Market & Product Development, Chemicals, Petrochemicals, Glass & Gases, Industrial, Global Logistics, Mining, Natural Resources,Active minerals international executive employees
nick john
Director of Product
tony bradwell
Logistics Manager
michael morris
General Manager of
tony smith
production supervisor
wayne carlson
Chief Financial Officer
robert claiborn
Senior Environment Health
michael clement
Operations Manager
steven handlos
General Manager of
lisa shinholste
Connecting Core Values
robert purcell
Sr. V.P. Global
paul fendley
National Sales Manager
steven handlos
General Manager of
laurence jin
China General Manager
kevin seymour
EHS Management
keith mills
Chief Customer Officer
justin patchan
Senior Safety Specialist
joshua martin
IT Management
josh hare
Business Development Manager
john kitchens
lab services manager
john goosman
Marketing Communications Manager
joel henley
Active Minerals International
jeff carr
Director Commercial Development
james stricklen
SQL Database Developer
dwayne outlaw
Director Global Procurement
donna kidd
VP Global Sales
don uphouse
dianne turner
Customer Service Manager
dennis parker
Senior Advisor
da-wei wang
Regional Sales Manager-Asia
david copley
Chief Strategy Officer
chuck pettit
Vice President Operations
charlie price
Vice President of
carl reed
active minerals international
brian tomkins
Quality Manager
brad casper
President and Chief
bo wang
Vice President of
bill strauss
Vice President Sales
bert nix
Plant Manager
antonio sims
General Manager of
adolfo blassino
Vice President Global
adam humphreys
Mine Manager
tony bradwell
Production Logistics Manager
matt janne
Manager of Strategic
michael sawall
Product Manager
ryan hardin
Plant Accounting Manager
tommie thomas
Production Supervisor
Frequent questions about Active minerals international
How many employees does Active minerals international have?
Active minerals international has approximately 201-500 employees.
What is Active minerals international's industry?
Active minerals international is involved in the industry of mining & metals.
Where is Active minerals international headquarters located?
Active minerals international is located in 34 Loveton Circle, Suite 100, Baltimore, Maryland 21152, US
What is the website of Active minerals international?
Active minerals international official website at
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